Honey bee management

Small hive beetle: a comprehensive booklet concerning the biology and control of small hive beetles.  To download, click on:    Small Hive Beetle IPM. Hood

Varroa destructor and the viruses they vector are the main cause of winter colony death in the US (see https://beeinformed.org/2016/03/08/why-did-my-honey-bees-die/).

For information on the biology of these mites and control of their population, see the following:  Tools for Varroa Management (from the Honey Bee Health Coalition)           IPM Guide Varroa Rx (from Emma Mullen at Cornell University)

An awesome interactive decision management tool regarding which mite treatment to use: https://cantilever-instruction.com/varroatool/story_html5.html (from the Honey Bee Health Coalition)

A comprehensive coverage of varroa biology, monitoring their levels in the hive and the use of varroa  treatments by Meghan Milbrath at Michigan State University: https://pollinators.msu.edu/keep-bees-alive/ 

Videos From the Bee Research Lab, University of Guelph, Ontario, CA            Videos cover a wide range of beekeeping topics and are professionally done, from both the content and the photographic perspective.                                               http://www.uoguelph.ca/honeybee/videos.shtml

Making a split or nuc: see the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP8M4NCAUv4 A few comments: 1. Skip the gloves! 2. This method is perfect if you are going to introduce a queen cell. 3.If you are going to have the bees raise their own queen, do a “reverse split.” That is, remove the established queen to a nuc or split and have the strong colony raise the queen.  The strong colony has much better resources–bees and food–to raise a well nourished queen than does a nuc.

Top bar hive beekeeping and interesting and useful information for any beekeeper.  Great photos and technical ideas. https://beegood4bees.org/home-sweet-home